Black and White Photography


A fireworks image from the Brisbane River Fire, converted to monochrome.

This image has been taken with the Nikon D700 and 24-120mm lens at 35mm.

Details of this lens are given here.


Star Trails

Posted in black and white photography,Photography by Geoff on March 23, 2011
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The above star trails image has been created by taking many images and then combining the images by stacking them together. Each image was of 30 second duration and the camera’s internal interval timer was used to take many images.

The reason for stacking many images is to avoid the build up of noise in the image with a single long exposure. An external timer can also be used to take a series of images of between 2 to six minutes depending on the camera used and how much noise builds up.

A software program such as Image Stack or Photoshop can be used for stacking of the images.

In the case above the final image has been converted to monochrome.

See the Alldigi Blog for more details on photography.