Black and White Photography

Eastern Water Dragon

Eastern Water Dragon

These Eastern Water Dragons are an excellent photographic subject, as you can approach quite close to them. For this image I used a Nikon D700 camera and a Nikon 300mm f/3 lens. Nature photography is one aspect of photography which requires quite a lot of patience to attempt to capture excellent images, quite different to people photography where the subject can be instructed to achieve the desired result.

Choice of Camera and Lens for your Photography

Posted in black and white photography,Photography by Geoff on September 13, 2011
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This orchid image gas been captured with a Nikon D2H camera and 105mm Micro lens. A Micro or Macro lens such as this is very good for close up images of subjects such as flowers. It gives sufficient working distance and a good angle of view. For other subjects such as insects etc. a slightly longer lens of around 200mm would be better to get a longer distance between the subject and camera.

See some of the camera reviews and detailed lens reviews at the following articles.

It can be quite difficult to make a choice on cameras and lenses as there is quite a variety available and the ultimate photographic results you achieve depend on both the equipment you are using (lens and camera) and the skills of the photographer.



This cormorant has been captured with a Nikon D700 camera and 300mm lens. The image has been converted to monochrome in Photoshop. Long lenses are required when approaching birds and you need to be careful not to disturb the bird. Some examples of the lenses required are discussed in the following links.

It does not really matter what brand of camera you are using as they are pretty much the same when comparing cameras at similar price points, but the lens is very important. Use a lens with as low an aperture as you can afford.

Bird Feeder

Posted in black and white photography,Photography by Geoff on September 3, 2011
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A Dove at our bird feeder. Captured with a Nikon D700 and 300mm telephoto lens.